People’s Democratic Republic of Algeria
Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research
Maghnia University Center
With the honorable collaboration of the Director of
the laboratory Language and Communication
In collaboration with the President of Tunisian-
Mediterranean Association for Historical, Social and
Economic Studies, Tunisia
The Hybrid International Conference on
TECOEDU 14/15March 2023
Technological Impact, Economy and Education: Deficiencies, Challenges and Perspectives

Conference Chair


Keynote Speakers

Professor Emeritus Karin Barber,
Birmingham University, UK
Prof. Dr. HaciDuran, 
AydinUniversity, Istanbul, Turkey
Prof. Abdelhakim Alkaabi ,
AlBasra University, Irak
Prof.Manny Rayner ,
University of Geneva, Switzerland
Prof. Dr. Sami Saleh Abd al-Malik al-Bayadi
SinaiUniversity, Egypt
Prof. Richard Ferdig ,
kentUniversity, UK

Registration Fees
• DZ 4,000 (for local participants)
• US$ 20 (for international in-person participants)
• Registration fees (in-person participants) include access to all sessions,
coffee breaks, and conference materials.